Come visit Primo and Appliances of Orlando at the Orlando Heli Blowout.
The Orlando Helicopter Blowout is the largest club held Radio Control helicopter event in the United States. Held in Orlando, Florida, the OHB is the place to be every Winter for Radio Control helicopter enthusiasts. Come see some of the world’s top Radio Controlled Helicopter Pilots performing and enter the raffle for a chance to win* a Primo Jr 200 Grill package valued at $1455.00 MSRP. Primo Cooking Demonstrations start Saturday the 6th at the Primo Tent and the Raffle will be held around 5pm that same day. *raffle winner must be present to claim the prize.

Event Link & more Details

Dates: December 5, 6 & 7 2014
Admission: Spectators are asked to bring a new sealed toy that will be donated to the Toys for Tots program in Orlando. A cash donation is also accepted at about $10 per car which is then donated to Toys for Tots.

Either way it’s a one time per weekend donation, a donation receipt is issued that is good for admission anytime after that. All the donations go to a good cause. Lots of kids go without toys at christmas, your donation helps a local child enjoy christmas.

4225 Ocoee Apopka Road
Ocoee, Florida 34761