Welcome to the Primo Grill Forum.
Primo Ceramic Grills Information
Primo News, Press Releases
Factory info and owners manuals.
New Primo owners or those contemplating a new Primo always want to know why we love them. This will be a great place to tell why we love them.
Primo Ceramic Grills Discussions
Introduce yourself - Tell us about yourself and your cooking gear - Where are you from?
General Chat.. Use this forum for topics that don't seem to fit the other forums.
This forum can be used to post about your cooks.
This forum contains all throwdown cooking contest information. Included are rules and submission instructions as well as all past and currently running contests. Look here to find contest winners, sponsor information and prizes that have been awarded.
Charcoal and Smoking Woods discussions and recommendations.
This forum can be used to show us your grill and for discussion of grill installations and/or other support techniques.
Use this forum for Food Preparation, How-To Questions, Grilling and Smoking tips as well as discussion of technical issues related to Primo Grills.
What's new for grilling machines. How can we make our grills fit our personal lives better
This forum will be used for the posting of past and present polls along with their results and comments.
This forum is for our members that have an interest in the art of Homebrewing and Winemaking.
This forum contains links to off-site websites related to ceramic grill cooking.
This forum can be used for requests and recommendations for local eateries. A brief summary or review of any recommended eatery would be much appreciated. Feel free to post links if you have them.
This forum can be used for the posting of items for sale and/or trade. Please refrain from posting replies in the threads and use the private message or e-mail functions for the actual business transactions. Your thread will need to be locked after posting. The orignal poster of the ad has the ability to open, close and/or delete the thread as needed. If the post is about an item for sale, please delete the thread when the item is no longer available. Posts or links deemed inappropriate by admin will be deleted. Check With The Primo Company Concerning Warranty Before Purchasing A Grill From A Non-approved Source.
This forum can be used for anything relating to sports. Everything about sports like Football, Basketball, Baseball, Tennis, Golf, Racing, Running, Hunting, Hockey, Full Contact Doms, Lawn Darts, etc.
Use this forum for the posting of recipes that you would like to share. PLEASE DO NOT post recipes which you have not tried, or those you have not been personally exposed to from someone else. We are fully capable of going online and posting commercially available recipes. To reduce clutter in the recipe forums, recipe threads will be closed. If the original poster would like to keep their thread open, please put a "comments welcome" statement at the end of your post and the thread will remain open. In the Recipe Forum, the original poster has the ability to open and close their own threads if necessary.
This forum can be used for members to post their Beef recipes or to make suggestions related to cooking Beef.
This forum can be used for members to post their Pork recipes or to make suggestions related to cooking Pork.
This forum can be used for members to post their Poultry recipes or to make suggestions related to cooking Poultry.
This forum can be used for members to post their Pizza recipes or to make suggestions related to cooking Pizza.
This forum can be used for members to post their Seafood recipes or to make suggestions related to cooking Seafood.
This forum can be used for members to post their Wild Game recipes or to make suggestions related to cooking Wild Game.
This forum can be used for members to post their Lamb, Goat or other Domestic Critter recipes or to make suggestions related to cooking these.
This forum can be used for members to post their Vegetable and Fruit recipes or to make suggestions related to cooking Vegetables and Fruits. (Potatoes are OK even if they do have eyes.)
This forum can be used for members to post their Soup, Stew, Chili and other similar recipes or to make suggestions related to cooking these dishes..
Lots of things taste better wrapped in bacon. Use this forum to add your favorites, and to get ideas of what you may want to wrap in bacon.
This forum can be used for members to post their recipes for Appetizers or to make suggestions related to these dishes.
This forum can be used for members to post their Rub, Spice and/or Sauce recipes or to make suggestions related to seasonings and sauces.
This forum can be used for members to post their recipes for Desserts, Sweets and/or Pastries or to make suggestions related to these.
This forum can be used for members to post their Bread recipes or to make suggestions related to baking of Breads.
This forum can be used for members to post recipes for their favorite liquid refreshments.
This forum can be used for members to post their miscellaneous recipes or to make suggestions related to cooking miscellaneous items.
This forum can be used for members to post their healthier food recipes or to make suggestions about healthy cooking.
This forum can be used to post information and recommendations about cookbooks as well as the posting of comments and reviews.
Use this forum for the posting of recipes and food purchasing suggestions specifically intended for only two persons.
Use this forum for recipe requests and general recipe discussions.
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