• Welcome

      Welcome to the Primo Ceramic Grills User Forum.

      This forum is for the use and enjoyment of enthusiasts of outdoor cooking with Primo Ceramic Grills. Primo is not responsible for the contents, comments and/or opinions expressed in this user forum.

      Play nice and visit often.

      Please be aware that this is not a sales forum. We discourage the discussion of sales related issues such as the best place to buy a grill and/or pricing of the product. We also discourage the cheerleading of one dealer over another. Please also be advised that any personally offensive or inappropriate posts or those deemed to have little worth are subject to removal from this forum.

      This forum is not intended to be used for the discussion of technical issues regarding the manufacturing of the grill or to be a vehicle for the resolution of potential warranty claims by owners of Primo products.

      Discussion of technical or warranty issues regarding Primo products should be directed to the Primo factory by calling them at 770-492-3920, via e-mail admin@primogrill.com or by using the Contact the Primo Factory link below.


      If you have a Customer Service issue to discuss with the Primo Factory
      ~CLICK HERE~

    • Introducing the New Primo Oval G 420

      The Primo Oval G 420 transcends standard gas grills by integrating a premium grade ceramic shell. Unlike metal gas grills that radiate high amounts of heat and pull the moisture out of food, the ceramic shell of the Primo Oval G 420 acts as an insulator to retain more heat and preserve the natural moisture and oils of the food.

      Learn more
      This article was originally published in forum thread: Introducing the New Primo Oval G 420 started by Derald@Primo View original post
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